Father of Green Revolution: MS Swaminathan Passed Away

Early Inspiration

Moved by the 1943 Bengal famine, M.S. Swaminathan shifted from medicine to agriculture, focusing on genetics and breeding.

Father of Green Revolution

Swaminathan led India's Green Revolution, doubling wheat production and ending dependence on food aid.

Global Recognition

Honored as the first World Food Prize laureate in 1987, he replicated the wheat revolution in crops like rice, maize, sorghum, and potato.

Collaboration with Borlaug

Swaminathan partnered with Norman Borlaug, winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and introduced new crop varieties in India, Mexico, and Pakistan.

Administrator and Visionary

Swaminathan wasn't just a scientist; he was a passionate administrator, leading agricultural research institutions and government bodies.

Swaminathan Report

His comprehensive analysis on farm distress led to crucial recommendations, including the demand for a minimum support price (MSP).


Despite accolades, Swaminathan faced controversy over genetically modified crops, emphasizing the need to balance technology worship.

Environmental Impact

Critics raised concerns about the Green Revolution's environmental impact due to chemical overuse, highlighting ecological and organic farming.

Legacy and Critique

Swaminathan's legacy, while celebrated, invites scrutiny for its ecological impact, underscoring the complex narrative of agricultural revolutions.