SJVN share price has decreased in recent days


SJVN is a state-owned power generation company in India. The company's share price has decreased significantly in recent days.

Current price

The current price of SJVN shares is ₹74.42. This is a decrease of 8.97% from the previous day's closing price.

Change over time

The following chart shows the change in SJVN's share price over the past few days:

Reasons for decline

Analysts are unsure why SJVN's share price has declined. Some possible reasons include: * Overall market weakness * Concerns about the company's financial performance * Negative news about the power sector

Impact on investors

Investors who hold SJVN shares should monitor the situation closely. The stock is likely to remain volatile in the near term.

What to do next

Investors should consider their individual investment goals and risk tolerance before making any decisions about SJVN shares.


SJVN's share price has decreased significantly in recent days

Investors should monitor the situation closely and consider their individual investment goals and risk tolerance before making any decisions about SJVN shares.

Additional information

For more information on SJVN and its share price, please visit the following websites: * [SJVN website]( * Moneycontrol * BSE

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